Slovenia 2006 - Divača area 23. - 27.6. 2006 04.11.2006 - =P= |
From 23th till 27th of June 2006 was organized speleoexpedition to the Slovenia - Divača area. Action was organized by the Planivy speleoclub (Czech republic) together with JD “Gregor Žiberna” Divača (Slovenia). Main aim of the expedition was research of the caves situated above outflow part of the Kačna Jama. There was done prolongations in order to find the interconnection to lower parts. The most perspective localities was recommended by members of the speleoclub JD “Gregor Žiberna”. During the stay members of the Planivy speloclub explored the following localities: Bukovnik sinkhole, Di1, X1, Podtraža and Džurdžica Jama. Partial successes was done in Podstraža, X1 and Džurdžica cave. At same time was performed the temperature measurement of draughts in the given entrances in order to detection of their intensity (see Appendix IV). But the summer time was shown as inapplicable season for this purpose in fact. Complete trip report you can find here (PDF document - 1,3 MB). |