Planivy.CZ - Activities
Activities in 2004
15.03.2005 - >P<
In the Nová Amatérská cave was explored south-eastern branch of the riverbed of Punkva river, predominantly filled by clay. In rear part was discovered the Yperite chimney 17m tall. Total length 75m of this part named Kráva (the Cow) was surveyed. In the Křížův sinkhole was stopped digging in old branch. Work continued straight under entrance along compact limestone wall. In 17m of depth was discovered narrow crack and new passage was found behind it. But this one wasn’t passed for the pressent. In the Nový Lopač cave we climbed 17m tall chimney and several our members participated on final sump pumping. Members of our speleogroup took in hand an expedition to Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and Poland.
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