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History and new discoveries of the Bílá Voda creek riverbed in the Nová Amatérska cave
30.07.2004 - >P<
River-basin of Bílá Voda creek takes in area 66,6 km2. Bílá Voda creek is one of two most meaningful tributaries of Punkva river which is flowing thru such phenomena as Macocha abyss and Punkevní cave.


History of discovering of underground path of Bílá Voda creek was started in 1837 year in Nová Rasovna inlet, more expressively after in interwar epoch. But final Macošský sump didn’t succeed to pump out and total length of underground Bílá Voda riverbed about 1km stayed known (1933).
In next period researches continued from important localities on a surface. First time was discovered 140m of underground flood riverbed in Spirálka cave in 1958 year but permanent active stream still haven’t found. This was succeeded after discoveries in cave „13C“ in 1964 but next way to Macocha abbys was closed by many others sumps. It was main reason for starting of a project of sump roof destruction. Explosive works was proceeded until 1970 year when new discoveries of Bílá Voda riverbed was done in Stará (1,5km) and Nová (several km) Amatérská cave (both in 1969). In „13C“ cave was found by this way 800m of a riverbed and less then 100 m had left to Stará Amatérská cave. Latest known place of active streeam was located in Inflow sump in Krematorium part in the Nová Amatérska cave. After tragedy in 1970 (two cavedivers died at sudden flood) was all further research activities dumped down there. These was renewed after 1993 year when Czech Speleological Society obtained agreement for performing of further researches. In the meantime was discovered inflow part of riverbed in Spirálka cave (400m,1982) and come thru all unexplored sumps. In 1980 was come thru „13C“ to Stará Amatérská cave, in 1983 to Spirálka cave and in1988 from Nová Rasovna cave to Spirálka cave. At the end of 80th years was finally known continuance of Bílá Voda from its inlet up to Nová Amatérská cave in total air length over 3 km.

New discoveries

Since 1993 year continued explorations predominantly in chimneys of Bělovodská branch, Krematorium and Labyrinth of M. Šlechty in the Nová Amatérská cave with aim of further Bílá Voda riverbed finding. At the end of 90th years was done datailed map documentation and water condition measurement in Krematorium and Labyrinth of M. Šlechty. It was determined absence of Bílá Voda in case of its lower state in Labyrinth of M. Šlechty which is birthplace of Punkva river at normal conditions. For reason given was started explorations in more preferable parts of the cave.
At the beginning of 2002 was explored left-side branch in the Macošský corridor near the Labyrinth of M. Šlechty named Chrochtadlo. After taking out of sediments and cutting thru dripstones narrow passage exhausted into 17 m deep shaft. On the bottom was found active flow of Bílá Voda creek. Downstream leads riverbed with a few left-side tributaries and it is finished after 30 m in outflow sump. Upstream continues inflow part 90 m long. At first this is getting over sump lake thru a chimney. From its top further continues freatic canal. This is slowly going down to next part riverbed of Bílá Voda creek named Aqualung. Aqualung is predominantly flooded of active stream and is finished by inflow sump. This sump was successfully passed 1 year later from Krematorium part in consequence of extremely low water conditions.
Main direction of Chrochtadlo part is same like direction of Macošský corridor but is situated in lower active level. Inflow part is connected thru very similar part - Krematorium. From outflow part active stream drains to unknown parts in Šolimova bowl direction (water shaft which is flowed pass thru of Bíla Voda creek). Connection with the Labyrinth of M. Šlechty was not proved. Total length of new discoveries in Chrochtadlo part is about 200 m.
In 2003 year was explored another left-side branch in the Macošský corridor between Chrochtadlo and Šolimova bowl named TNO. Here was discovered small chamber with expressive throughs on the bottom leading to lower parts but riverbed wasn’t reached. At the present time stays unknown part of riverbed between Chrochtadlo and Šolimova bowl in air length about 500 m which will be explored in the future..


Musil R. (1993): Moravský kras
Motyčka Z., Polák P., Sirotek J., Vít J. (2000): Amatérská jeskyně
Vít J. (1998): Jeskynní systém Piková dáma – Spirálová
Absolon K. (1912): Průvodce Moravským krasem
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